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Lattes (Brazilian CV)
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Dr. Adilson do Lago Leite
DSc in Geotechnical Engineering - USP (2001)
Urban and industrial solid wastes disposal; remediation of contaminated soils; acid mine drainage clean-up; solid wastes reuse.
Dr. Alberto Fonseca
PhD in Geography and Environmental Management - University of Waterloo, Canadá (2010)
Environmental impact assessment and licensing; private and public environmental management; social and environmental policies with special interest in the minerals sector; social and environmental certification schemes, mixed methodologies.
Dr. Aníbal da Fonseca Santiago
DSc in Civil Engineering - UFV (2013)
Simplified wastewater treatment; wastewater treatment and microalgae cultivation.
Dra. Aparecida Barbosa Mageste
DSc in Agricultural chemistry - UFV (2012)
Green technology development for the extraction and purification of compounds of comercial and/or environmental interests from multiple matrices. Development of two-phase sustainable systems through environmental remediation processes.
Dr. Bruno Eduardo Lôbo Baêta
DSc in Environmental Engineering - UFOP (2016)
Valorization fo lignocellulosic wastes from the production of energetic vectors, ethanol and high added-value products; development and optimization of new wastewater treatment technologies; development of selective adsorbents for molecules of environmental interest.
Dra. Gilmare Antônia da Silva
DSc in Chemistry - Unicamp (2007)
Environmental studies including development of analytics methodologies for analysis and monitoring, through multivariate statistical analysis.
Dr. Hubert Mathias Peter Roeser
DSc in Mineralogy - Technische Universität Clausthal Zellerfeld, Germany, (1977)
Environmental geochemistry; water basin environmental diagnosis; heavy metals.
Dr. José Francisco do Prado Filho
DSc in Enviornmental Engineering and Sciences - USP/São Carlos (2001)
Environmental licensing and impact assessment; environmental studies and projects; solid wastes and natural resources management, with a special interst in urban and health services wastes.
Dr. Laurent Frédéric Gil
DSc in Organic Chemistry - Universite de Paris XI, France (1995)
Development and application of new technologies for the treatment of hydric resources pollution; wastewater and solid wastes treatment., from urban and industrial facilities.
Dr. Leandro Vinícius Alves Gurgel
DSc Physical Chemistry Sciences - USP-São Carlos (2011)
Development of new materials from agro-industrial wastes; treatment of wastewater contaminated with metals and textile coloration; development of new strategies of bioenergy and biofuel procution from agro-industrial wastes.
Dra. Lívia Cristina Pinto Dias
Dra. Mônica Cristina Teixeira
DSc in Metallurgy and Mines Engineering - UFMG (2004)
Microbiology applied to wastewater and solid wastes treatment (industrial and domestic); bioabsorption and biopreciption of metals and metalloids, especially arsenic; health and environmental risk assessment; study of the origins and effects of toxic pollutants.
Dr. Robson José de Cássia Franco Afonso
DSc in Analytical Chemistry - Royal Holloway College pela University of London, Inglaterra (1996)
Air, water and soild quality; advanced techniques for the analysis of contaminants in environmental samples.
Dr. Sérgio Francisco de Aquino
DSc in Chemical Engineering -Imperial College da University of London, UK (2004)
Water and wastewater treatment, particularly through he use of biological systems coupled with advanced physical-chemical processes of organic microcontaminant removal; anaerobic digestion of waste and wastewater targetting the production of biogas and/or recovery of value-added bioproducts..
Dra. Silvana de Queiroz Silva
DSc in Enviornmental Microbiology - University of Essex, Inglaterra (2004)
Biological assessment of microcontaminants in water and wastewater; microbiology applied to wastewater and solid wastes treatment.
Dr. Versiane Albis Leão
DSc in Metallurgy and Mines Engineering - UFMG (2001)
Development and application of new (bio)technologies for wastewater and solid residues treatment in the mining, metallurgical and chemical sectors, including urban mining.
Dr. Carlos Eduardo Ferraz de Mello
DSc in Civil Engineering - UFRJ (2003)
Water resources management; basic and applied hydrology; numeric modeling applied to hydrology ; mathematical models and optimization techniques.
Dr. Antonio Santos Sánchez
DSc in Industrial Engineering - UFBA (2017)
Efficient use of water and energy
in buildings and industry,
industrial processes and cleaner production,
industrial instrumentation,
renewable energy.